self care treatments to do at home ikatan Spa body scrub aromatherapy, facial and body scrub ikatan Spa wellness blog

Creating Your Own Day Spa Experience At Your Place, Easier Than You Think.

Facials are a great way to look after yourself and your skin

While it’s not as relaxing as being a day spa, away from all the homely distractions or having a professional day spa experience , making time to give yourself a facial is easier than you think. Multi task it, while relaxing, meditating, kicking back watching Netflix . How about while you’re working from home and taking a few minutes to pop on a mask or peel,  it’s still self-care that will make you look and feel better.

Home Facial.

Cleansing is or should be a twice-daily routine so take a little extra time to massage your face, neck and décolletage while you are applying the cleanser. Remove with a face cloth soaked in warm water where you can add a few drops of essential oil.

Select an essential oil for relaxation or one to pick up your mood if you are feeling a little down and take a few deep breaths in as you press the warm face cloth over your face while removing the cleanser from your face. Always choose an appropriate essential oil for your skin, read the instructions on the essential oil bottle and never use more than a few drops in warm water.

Exfoliate your skin after cleansing at least once a week and after you rinse off the exfoliant, is the best time to apply a face mask once or twice a week depending on the mask you are using and what you want to achieve.

Masks can work wonders for mopping up oily skin, hydrating masks to nourish skin and there are also collagen masks that come ready to apply in a sheet that lay over your face. Always choose the right mask for your skin type, do a test patch prior to use and follow the instructions.

SPF for sitting in front of computer screens is a must to protect skin as the light from screens is not good for our skin pigmentation or ageing. There are plenty of non-toxic, vegan friendly light protection for skin and it can be as simple as our vegan, organic, Australia, mineral makeup, which wont congest your skin as it sits of and protects the surface of your skin to deflect and reflect harmful rays from sun and your device light.

Tea Time.

Make yourself a nice tea if you have time sit or lay down, listen to some soothing music a podcast or take the time to meditate (there’s some great Apps to help with meditation) but if you can’t do that go answer a few emails but remember not to log on to a zoom meeting with a mask on! Take the mask off and apply your finishing products of serums and moisturisers.

Get In The Mood.

Invest in a diffuser and a collection of essential oils with your favourite aroma or mood adaptor. Checkout our popular essential oil blends for diffusers we have at ikatan Spa to uplift you, calm you down, help you sleep and give you some immunity protection.

Body Scrubs at Home will rejuvenate you and your skin.

While it’s not the same as a spa therapists soothing hands exfoliating your body and cleaning up the mess, giving yourself a body scrub in the shower is great for your skin while the aroma is an opportunity to take some deep breaths to calm the mind and rejuvenate your skin.

The best way to apply a body scrub yourself is to stand in the shower area before you turn on the shower, apply the scrub to your arms in an upward movement, moving on to the chest area where it’s easy to apply across the body or in a circular motion.

When scrubbing the tummy it’s best to scrub in clockwise circles as you are giving you tummy a massage while you do this as this is the direction the gut travels to processes your food and digestion for elimination. Apply the body scrub to your upper thighs and bottom using upward strokes, then working down the legs continually applying in an upward direction. It’s a little difficult to scrub your own back but you can reach most of your back and why not give yourself a big hug as you apply the scrub to your back. Turn on the shower and rinse off the scrub for silky smooth skin and the feeling of rejuvenation.

Aroma Shower.

Have you ever thought of applying a beautiful aroma oil to your body while you are waiting for the shower to heat up? Try it, you will love it for the way it makes your skin feel but more for the way it will make your mind feel.

By applying an aroma body oil to your skin before a shower your skin absorbs some of the oil and when the warm water flows over your body it releases the aroma of the essential oils on your skin. Take some big, slow deep breaths and let the aroma work its magic.

If you’re having a shower in the morning you might like to use an uplifting aroma to wake you up and bring a positive mood. In the evening when you are trying to unwind after work chose an aroma that is good for calming, clearing the mind or helping with restful sleep.

Coconut Milk Bath To Soothe Your Skin.

self care at home ideas wellness blogIf you love a soak in the bath try adding a can of organic coconut milk to the water as the bath is filling. You could pop on a face mask, light some candles or aroma diffuser and play some music for a very relaxing bath in coconut milk guaranteed to nourish and soften your skin.

Treat Your Body Through Your Feet.

Get a large bowl of warm water find a nice place to sit, a cup of tea, your book or headphones to listen to something relaxing or just sit back and close your eyes while you soak your feet.

Add some magnesium flakes or Epsom salts along with some essential oil to the water and you will find your entire body and mind benefits from a simple foot soak.  After your dry your feet give them a little massage with some body lotion or you may be lucky enough to have someone massage your feet for you.

Make the most of caring for your self by setting some time aside to enjoy the benefits of self care.

Selfcare in not a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Katrina – Owner ikatan Spa 

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