Making the Most of Down TimeFeeling guilty about taking time out for yourself?If you feel that there's not enough hours in the day, you have a heavy work load to get through or things that can't wait, before you can have some time for yourself. Re-prioritising...

Unwind, Before Switching Off.Never ask a busy person to 'do nothing' they need to gradually unwind by doing something. It feels strange, awkward, a sense of 'I should be doing something' when you go from a hectic life and work pace to finally having time...

What's the Best Massage For Your NeedsAt ikatan Spa we find most people don't really understand or realise what type of massage is best for their needs and that's ok as we do understand what people need.Our reception staff are trained to ask the right...

Chi Massage for Balancing Stress.At ikatan Spa we say 'guests get the Chi-out effect' like being super chilled-out but a much deeper relaxation, where they can't talk after this treatment.  ikatan Spa Chi Massage Treatment was named because it has Chinese origins, hence the use...

The Race That Stops The Nation, Let it Stop You Too!In Queensland, while we don't have a public holiday, many businesses close for Melbourne Cup Lunches.In the past few years, Day Spa's are seeing more people opting to spend cup day the wellness way, instead...

Athlete, Support Crew, Triathlon Enthusiast, Media, Family and Friends this is for You!Noosa Triathlon Entourage pays homage to the partners, family and friends of the triathletes who flock to the Noosa Triathlon each year.The Noosa Tri Entourage are the support crew, the people behind the scenes...