Best Chi Massage to Balance Stress

Luxury Spa Treatments at Ikatan Spa

Chi Massage for Balancing Stress.

At ikatan Spa we say ‘guests get the Chi-out effect‘ like being super chilled-out but a much deeper relaxation, where they can’t talk after this treatment.


ikatan Spa Chi Massage Treatment was named because it has Chinese origins, hence the use of the Chinese word (qui)chi meaning energy. Chi massage is based on the Chinese elements of wood, fire, air, earth, water and metal. Each of these elements has characteristics that become unbalanced when your body is suffering from stress, fatigue, mental or physical burn out, a depressed or overactive mind or a combination of these feelings.


Choose Your Chi Aroma Oil

By preparing and using particular chi essential oils to balance the elements, a herbal compress ball and combination of massage styles in this treatment to create a natural shift in your mind and body to help balance your chi (energy).


Chi massage also incorporates a relaxing foot massage over your chi reflex points (This is not reflexology) but also help balance your chi (energy)


On arrival at ikatan Day Spa, while enjoying a welcome drink, you select your personal choice of Chi aroma blend.  Your therapists then prepares the appropriate chi essential oils along with the herbal compress for your treatment.


What happens during a chi massage?

Chi aroma essential oils, herbal compress and combination of massage styles during this treatment create a natural shift in your mind and body to help balance your chi (energy)


The herbal compresses we use are created for ikatan Spa in Bali, using natural dried herbs gathered into a cloth ball and tied with the extra cloth making a handle for us to hold the compress ball to apply the warm oil in a circular rhythmical motion before we massage with our hands. As the oil goes on to the skin, the herbs in the compress ball help release muscle tiredness and relieve body fatigue.


How does chi massage work?

Your Chinese aroma oil elements of earth, fire, air, water, wood and metal also relate to dominant meridian depicted on our chi chart, read by your therapists. During the foot massage, which is included in the Chi Massage Treatment, we can then focus on massaging the governing reflex points in your feet (this is not a reflexology treatment).

Along with your element essential oils being absorbed though the skin, inhaling their aroma and the soothing massage moves we use to calm your body and mind, you will feel yourself de-stressing, if you’re not already asleep.


Chi massage is unique to ikatan Spa

The massage moves and techniques I put together for our Chi Massage Treatment are different to the massages I experienced in Malaysia because I’ve studied many styles of massage, so this was an opportunity for ikatan Spa Chi Massage to incorporate the concept of other modalities I have studied. Chinese elements with massage moves and techniques based on aromatherapy combined with Balinese,Hawaiian and Chinese, integrated with chakra moves which I feel offer the best of each style for de-stressing the mind and body.


Why gentle massage is best for stress relief

When you’re exhausted, your body needs nurturing therefore this massage is slow, soothing, with light to medium pressure, and carefully structured so one move flows into another.


Think about it like this; if your body is under stress of any kind why would you want to send a message of more stress to your body? When experiencing a firm massage your body responds to the pain caused by sending internal stress signals to your mind telling your body to prepare for more stress.


A gentle massage is definitely the best way to combat stress.


Does this sound like the type of massage you need?



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