Green Therapy is Great Help For Stress

Forrest bathing, green therapy, wellness blog, self care, ecotherapy, shinrin yoku, green spaces

Nature is Green Therapy

You can actually feel the rejuvenating energy from plants when surrounded by the greenery of nature and what you feel is real.


Plant foliage has been found to absorb airborne pollutants, filter dust and bugs and therefore improve air quality. While amongst the greenery, you breathe in phytoncides, which are the organic compounds produced by evergreen trees and research has shown them to be associated with improvements in our immune defence system.


Forest Therapy, It’s a Real Thing.

While this may seem a bit hippy trippy, hug a tree kind of activity; forest therapy is actually a thing of the past. In the 1800s, ‘forest therapy’ was used as part of the treatment to help cure tuberculosis. Physicians set up Sanatoriums amongst the pine forests in Germany and Adirondack forests of New York, where all patients in the sanatorium facilities reported benefits from the forest air.


Shinrin-Yoku, an Old New Perspective.

Have you heard of Shinrin-yoku? It’s a term that means, “Taking in the forest atmosphere” and it has become an important part of preventive healthcare and healing in Japan. Researchers have established scientific literature on the health benefits of spending time in a forest and now their research is helping to establish Shinrin-Yoku and forest therapy throughout the world.


Forest Bathing.

You may have heard the term ‘forest bathing’ it’s a term used to describe immersing yourself in the greenery of a forest and it’s as simple as being amongst trees, a mindful stroll or sitting still under a canopy of trees. Forest bathing seems to significantly help a multitude of ailments caused by excess stress.

Being amongst the canopy of trees helps increased parasympathetic nervous system activity which prompts rest, conserves energy, and slows down the heart rate while increasing intestinal and gland activity. Test results also reported lower stress and cortisol levels, lower blood pressure, improved mood, helped with the ability to focus, improve sleep and energy levels as well as an increase in general happiness for people who spend time in the forest, or a green garden on a regular basis.


Prescriptive ‘Ecotherapy’

A group of paediatricians in America has started educating doctors, nurses and health care professionals around the USA on the benefits of prescribing what they call ‘Ecotherapy.’ The medical practitioners are writing prescriptions for obese, diabetic, anxious or depressed young patients to simply, visit parks. Just like a prescription for medicine, they write details of how many days a week, how long to spend in the park and what the kids should do in the park and it is proving to be very successful for improving the health and wellbeing of the patients involved.


Create Your Own Green Therapy Space

While you may not have access to a forest or a green garden you can create your own green space with pot plants or take time to go to a local park or walk in the bush. When looking for a place to go on your day off, for a weekend or holiday consider spending time in the county.


When visiting Noosa you can enjoy spending time in the National Park or take a short drive to the Noosa hinterland to enjoy the National Park trails, scenic hill climbs or walks. You will find interesting towns with delicious local food and shops in the country while you feel the wellness benefits of the hinterland greenery only a short drive from Noosa.


Day Spa Treatments in Nature at ikatan Spa Noosa


Unlike other Day Spas, green therapy is the reason we have extensive trees and gardens for our guests to enjoy at ikatan Spa. Some of our foot and head massage treatments take place in undercover garden areas so that guests are surrounded by nature while we give de-stressing wellness treatments.


We offer foot massage, head massage, pedicures and magnesium foot soaks in our gardens and all guests are encouraged to spend the time relaxing before or after treatments in our Balinese tropical setting either under umbrella’s or under our shade areas.


Wishing you wellness




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